
What the...?

When people ask me what I do to pay the mortgage, the answer of Online Producer inevitably leads to either blank stares  and mutterings of "that sounds lovely" to the other extreme where people go; "Oh, so you work in TV and Film, do you know Hugh Jackman?"

So what is it then?

The role of Online Producer is some what of an enigma in the web production process. Jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-none; a producer needs to have great communication and negotiation skills all while juggling developers, copywriters, designers, analysts, stakeholders and of course the client.

So after spending countless hours scouring the interwebs looking for any tools or advice relating to the role of the Online Producer, I came to the conclusion that there's not a lot specifically out there on the web, purely for the producer.

Sure there's plenty of Project Management, Development and Design blogs plus various snippets of information spread across the net. Still there's no one single place (that I've found) that provides Online Producers with a place to share information, ideas processes, tips or just get together and shoot the breeze.

The Mission Statement

Monkey the Web's mission is to provide a place for Online Producers both professional and amateur to talk shop, share tips and tools while giving an insight into the role of the Online Producer within the web production process.

Of course as a resource for Online Producers one would expect that Monkey the Web will touch on the areas mentioned above, as Craig Elimeliah's excellent blog iPro highlights, Online Producers come from many different backgrounds and work in many different ways.

So while I might discuss the the role holistically, the plan is to help share new ideas and ways of doing things in some key areas relating to the producers role, specifically:

  • Project Management
  • Development
  • Usability and Design
  • Communication
  • Analytics
  • Content
Of course no one person can ever no everything about any subject, and we all know a good blog is as much about the comments and the discussion. So along with sharing my thoughts and ideas, I am hope you, the reader, will feel encouraged to step up, share your own experiences, encourage others to share themselves or simply tell me I am wrong.

Really, it's your blog us much as mine.

Full disclosure

The Producers Blog started life as Monkey the Web; an assessable requirement of Web206, a unit of study towards my BA (Internet Communications).

The Author

Simon Mainwaring is a passionate and innovative web professional with a broad background in web production and site management. For the past two years his focus has been as a Web Producer driving complex collaborative projects in the Telecommunications space. Alongside his professional interest in all things web, Simon is also studying for a degree in Internet Communication, with a focus on how the internet has changed communication and interaction within society.
