Life, the Universe and Websites

Ever had one of those moments in life where you think "what have I actully done up until now?" You know when a sense of panic kicks in as you begin to go through the mental check list of things to do before I turn 30 and realise that you missed half the list and you are about to turn 40.

Before hurling myself down the path towards becoming a web professional, I had a very similar experience. While it wasn't turning 40, it was just before a milestone birthday. Waking up one morning I came to the realisation, I hated the job I was in. Sure we all have these moments and most of the time we brush them aside and get back to the grind. For me though this morning was different.

By  the time I finally got out of bed I had a plan of attack. Go back to study and start building on skills and experiences I have developed over the last few years and, start looking for work in the area I wanted to move into: web development.

As luck would have it, not one month into my new life plan, a role in online at my then employer materialised giving me the opportunity to move into the online space immediately. Can you believe it? From this point on my eyes and mind were opened as I was exposed to new concepts, ideas, process and skills. I began to soak up all the information I could both formally and informally. I drew on my own previous experiences and extrapolated that to my current role and slowly I started to understand what it really took to build a website.

Building a website isn't the hardest thing in the world to do. In fact, with a little patience and persistence anybody can learn HTML and CSS and pull together a few pages of content. Building a great website though, that takes time and team of people coming together with their own unique skills and ideas.

This is something I have discovered along my journey thus far, and the further along I travel, the more I want to share about what I have learned, specifically what I have learned about being a producer. For me now, writing about building websites and the role of the Online Producer allows me to express my thoughts and ideas, encouraging me to explore what I do, look at it in different ways and learn new things.

So this is my career path now, fortunately it's something I really enjoy and although I am still cutting my teeth, it's something I have found I am pretty good at. Of course there is still lots to learn and what better way to learn than by sharing my thoughts and opening up a dialogue with those who feel the same way as me.


jospoika September 30, 2010 at 4:18 PM  

Great Post!!!!

I'm envious of you, LOL. It took me many years to work out "what I want to be when I grow up", and now I've worked that out, I'm also being a sponge for information!

Paula L October 3, 2010 at 6:50 PM  

Excellent post Simon, and I just have to say how inspiring your posts are to me as I'm facing the same old life dilemmas. It's great that you're achieving what you are putting your mind to and that's something I've learned myself - only you can change who you want to be!

Stephen October 6, 2010 at 3:52 AM  

I really enjoy the look of your blog - and your posting style. Looks like you have found your calling! :D

TessaG October 7, 2010 at 3:50 AM  

Hi Simon,

Fantastic post and idea for a blog!

I'll be checking in frequently to see if you have any tips for beginners like me - I have just embarked on NED12 and it may be my last foray into web design...failing before I have even handed my first assignment in...there is nothing quite like being challenged is there?

Looking forward to your posts.
Tessa :)

TessaG March 5, 2011 at 7:20 PM  

Hi Simon,

Fantastic post and idea for a blog!

I'll be checking in frequently to see if you have any tips for beginners like me - I have just embarked on NED12 and it may be my last foray into web design...failing before I have even handed my first assignment in...there is nothing quite like being challenged is there?

Looking forward to your posts.
Tessa :)

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The Author

Simon Mainwaring is a passionate and innovative web professional with a broad background in web production and site management. For the past two years his focus has been as a Web Producer driving complex collaborative projects in the Telecommunications space. Alongside his professional interest in all things web, Simon is also studying for a degree in Internet Communication, with a focus on how the internet has changed communication and interaction within society.
